Nature Walk 2016: Successful event for Ruisseau Jackson

As part of the David Suzuki Foundation “Journées de la nature” program, Ruisseau Jackson Natural Protected Area (RJANP) recently organized a nature walk along the banks of Ruisseau Jackson. Some 30 people participated, exploring the site in all its spring glory.

We learned about the site’s flora and fauna, and many questions were asked about the importance of protecting this green space on the borders of the municipalities of Mille-Isles, Saint-Sauveur and Morin-Heights. Mathieu Madison, a trained biologist who is very familiar with the area, was our intrepid guide.

According to RJANP President Mathieu Régnier, “More than anything else, the idea today is to give the area’s residents an opportunity to get closer to nature and gain a better understanding of what is motivating a citizen group from three municipalities to protect the natural environment surrounding the Ruisseau Jackson watershed.”

We will be organizing another walk on the site this winter. Stay tuned! As we snowshoe on the trails, we will be able to identify animal tracks in the snow and discover another aspect of Ruisseau Jackson: coyotes, hares, lynxes, deer and more.

Approximate GPS coordinates: Latitude: 45°52’16.49N. Longitude: 74°14’50.05O.

To see photos of the event, visit our Facebook page.