Mission and objectives

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Our goal

Protect a sizeable segment of the natural environment around the Ruisseau Jackson watershed while encouraging nature conservation in the region – notably through collaboration in the establishment of ecological corridors.


Establish a grassroots movement to protect and enhance the environmental characteristics of the Ruisseau Jackson watershed.

Credits: Jean-Louis Courteau, CIEL (2020).

Core objective

Create a protected area.

The core objective is to create a protected natural area. This long-term goal does not aim to establish a site on which there is no development. Ruisseau Jackson will not become Canada’s newest national park! The vision is a mosaic of different types of protection statuses.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a protected area is a “clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.”

General objectives

Raise awareness and incite all landowners around the Ruisseau Jackson watershed to appreciate the significance of the territory from the environmental and community perspectives as well as in terms of property value.

The information will help locals adopt behaviours to protect the area from unsustainable uses that impact water quality and the environment’s ecological integrity.

Get out your GPS!

The initiative targets some 20 square kilometers (4942 acres) around “Lac Seale”, which is actually a vast wetland:

  • Latitude: 45.86167!
  • Longitude: 74.25194!

Ruisseau Jackson flows through the municipalities of Mille-Îles, Saint-Sauveur and Morin-Heights.

Lake Seale region seen from space.

Ruisseau Jackson… Natural filter — Biodiversity — Collective identity.