Legistlative Framework

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Lakes and watercourses across the province are protected by the Protection Policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains. The policy is enforced through the region’s municipal zoning by-laws, which may provide for more stringent measures than those of the policy.

Under this policy, all works that are liable to destroy or alter the vegetation cover of a lakeshore or riverbank, expose the soil or affect the stability of the lakeshore or riverbank or encroach on the littoral zone are prohibited on lakeshores and riverbanks, except for those allowed by the measures relating to lakeshores, riverbanks and littoral zones.

To understand the particular situation of your property and ensure that you have the required permits, you must consult your local municipal inspector before taking any action on a riverbank. 

Works in wetlands, watercourses and lakes (Morin-Heights)

Since the Municipality of Morin-Heights covers a significant portion of the RJANP area, it can serve as an example to show the applicable legislative framework. In addition to the provincial and federal acts and regulations, most of the urban by-laws in effect in the municipality address RJANP’s objectives. 

Provincial legislation and regulations:

Here are some excerpts from a message from the municipality:

[Translation] “The natural area is in an area designated as cottage country. The goal of this designation is the integrated development and planning of activities, equipment and land use related to this purpose, taking the natural area into consideration. It must contribute to the ecological preservation of fragile sites and conservation of the landscape. The land-occupation density is a maximum of three dwellings per hectare.”

Zoning By-law 416 (in French only):


  • A 20-metre setback from the high-water mark for any construction (schedules of uses), which is stricter than the MDDELCC’s Protection Policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains;
  • Riverbank protection zone: For any other development or construction projects, the riverbank protection zone is 15 metres from the high-water mark (s. 128);
  • Woodland conservation on building lots: 60% of the forest cover must be conserved (s. 62);
  • Control of forestry and extraction activities for riverfront lands (ss. 109 and 110);
  • Measures relating to riverbanks, littoral zones and wetlands (ss. 129 to 134);
  • Erosion control (s. 61).