Choose Ruisseau Jackson’s Emblematic Bird

We have identified three bird species as potential emblematic birds for our organization. CHOOSE YOUR FAVOURITE BIRD among the finalists! To vote, click HERE! 

[Description: please see below]

[Vote ends on October 10, 2018]

You are invited to a presentation on November 3, 2018, at Chalet Bellevue in Morin-Heights, where the winning bird will be announced. 

The species were selected following a consultation with Développement ornithologique Argenteuil (DOA).

Neither rare nor common, they are all unique!  

These species are often seen in the RJANP area and are easily identified by their songs. Two of the three insectivores were observed within the first hour of the 2018 RuisseauBlitz.

These birds are underestimated in illustrating the importance of nature conservation. They inhabit fragile environments like those surrounding the creek: mature woods, thick wooded areas and forested wetlands. These areas are rapidly disappearing, and RJANP’s mission is to protect them. It’s no surprise then that the watershed is critical for the survival of these three species. 

The northern waterthrush, veery and red-eyed vireo have very interesting biological, behavioural and physical characteristics. They stand out from many other species in the area, even though they are very discreet. These forest species are migratory, so we don’t see them in winter. The red-eyed vireo is the last to go, leaving the region by October. As with the majority of forest species, these birds do not have vibrant colours. Their habitats are quite dusky, so their dull colours are a perfect camouflage.   

Making a choice

To help you choose your favourite species, take a look at the chart below prepared by the DOA (in French only), listen to their birdsongs or let them beguile you with their distinctive features. 

Vote before October 10, 2018! And spread the word! There are no wrong answers!

Our finalists

Paruline des ruisseaux (Northern Waterthrush








Grive fauve (Veery








Viréo aux yeux rouges (Red-eyed Vireo)








Main Features / Développement ornithologique Argenteuil (DOA)