(Français) Sédimentation: problème majeur
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Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
Ruisseau Jackson (RJANP) is a member of the Réseau des milieux naturels protégés (network of protected natural environments), the RMN, and we are proud that the natural reserve in our small area is included in a new interactive tool developed by the network. The RMN designed a story map to promote and encourage municipal voluntary conservation initiatives across the province. Lire la suite →
Protected areas are good for your health! This was shown in a very interesting report (in French only), but this won’t come as a surprise. The report was written by a group called La Planète s’invite en santé, which includes people and associations from the health and social services sector fighting climate change to protect population health. [Translation] “The mental Lire la suite →
Times are changing and the impacts of the recent COVID pandemic are likely to affect our lives in the months and years to come. Ruisseau Jackson (RJANP) will suspend most of the activities planned for the summer and will evaluate the situation in a few weeks’ time to see if we could hold some of our community actions in the Lire la suite →
Good news to start the year: Abrinord – Organisme de bassin versant de la rivière du Nord (website in French only) will be taking water samples in the Ruisseau Jackson watershed in 2020. As in previous years, the sampling stations are in the Pays-d’en-Haut and Argenteuil regional county municipalities. This covers the entire area: upstream near Lac Anne to downstream near Lire la suite →
Although 2019 was a fairly quiet year for Ruisseau Jackson, it was marked by a series of community activities related to environmental awareness. The organization is quite proud of its achievements. Here’s a brief year-end review. In February 2019, thanks to a donation, we organized a lovely winter hike in the RJANP area in the Municipality of Morin-Heights. It was Lire la suite →