Choose Ruisseau Jackson’s Emblematic Bird

We have identified three bird species as potential emblematic birds for our organization. CHOOSE YOUR FAVOURITE BIRD among the finalists! To vote, click HERE!  Northern waterthrush (Paruline des ruisseaux)  Veery (Grive fauve)  Red-eyed vireo (Viréo aux yeux rouges) [Description: please see below] [Vote ends on October 10, 2018] You are invited to a presentation on November 3, 2018, at Chalet Bellevue in Morin-Heights, where the Lire la suite →

The “real” Limits of the Watershed!

Ruisseau Jackson Protected Natural Area (RJANP) is proud to present a recent map produced by Oréades géomatique showing the Ruisseau Jackson watershed. The area covered by RJANP is a little smaller, as you can see on our website. The reason for this is that we are limiting our scope to the primary and secondary tributaries, but that doesn’t mean we’re Lire la suite →

RJANP 2018 Fundraising! Receive our Photo Book.

This year, the Ruisseau Jackson Team is instigating a sponsoring strategy for those who wish to support the cause of environmental protection in the watershed. Our goal is 10,000$! In 2019, we intend to continue water sampling activities, a new edition of the RuisseauBlitz and we will continue providing support to voluntary nature conservation initiatives.  We invite you to become Lire la suite →

RuisseauBlitz 2018: A Great First Edition for RJANP!

RJANP’s first RuisseauBlitz was held on Saturday, May 19, 2018, in Morin-Heights. The event was part of Journées de la nature 2018 (website in French only). Over the course of the day, some 30 people took part in a program designed by the activity’s coordinator, biologist Mathieu Madison (Gestion Environnement MM), with whom RJANP has been collaborating for the last Lire la suite →

RuisseauBlitz: Learning and Conserving. All welcome on 19 May 2018!

Calling all budding scientists! Ruisseau Jackson aire naturelle protégée (RJANP) is inviting you to visit its website for details on the first RuisseauBlitz. Mark the date in your calendars and join our biologists in one of many activities to be held on May 19, 2018, starting at 7 am.  Boots not included! Participants are invited to bring their lunches and to take Lire la suite →