Looking for the perfect Holiday present? You wish to support the cause of environmental protection in the watershed? Look no further…
Offer a hardcover photo album conceived by our team and become – automatically – a member of one of the two RJANP donor circles.
- monitor water quality with ongoing sampling and testing;
- work with authorities at municipal and provincial levels to implement remediation solutions;
- educate the community at our annual Ruisseau Blitz;
- encourage conservation in the public and private sector by providing education and networking support.
This Holiday Season, receive a photo book with your donation.

Ruisseau Jackson. Filtre naturel, biodiversité, identité collective (in French only) (2018) 28 pages, 30 cm x 30 cm.
Make your cheque payable to the Municipality of Morin-Heights (minimum of 150$ – see the details below).
Write “Ruisseau Jackson Fund” in the “Memo” section of your cheque .
Send your cheque and your full name and permanent address to Mathieu Régnier from our team.
We will send your cheque to the municipality so that it can issue you an official tax receipt.
Thank you for participating in the movement to protect and enhance the environment surrounding Ruisseau Jackson.
Grands Tributaires Circle
From $150 to $400 (one year)
- Tax receipt
- Participation in RJANP’s community life
- Voting member at the annual general meeting (2018)
- Invitation to activities
- Invitation to the annual happy hour
- Latest news from RJANP (optional)
- Your name listed in the “Donor” section on the Ruisseau Jackson website (optional)
- Photo book / Ruisseau Jackson (2018) “Une aire naturelle protégée… par la communauté” (in French only)
Grand Bassin Versant Circle
$500 and over (one year)
- Same benefits as the Grands Tributaires Circle
- Personalized photo book (donor name[s], property position on a map, municipality name, etc.)
Thanks for joining the collective movement to help protect and enhance the natural environment around the Ruisseau Jackson watershed. The initiative targets some 20 km2. More under: https://ruisseaujackson.org
Ruisseau Jackson…
Natural filter — Biodiversity — Collective identity