Ruisseau Jackson Protected Natural Area (RJANP), Theatre Morin Heights and the Forest Cover Subcommittee of the Municipality of Morin-Heights Environmental Advisory Committee are pleased to invite you to a public reading of “Voyage sur le Jackson,” a wonderful text by Jean-Louis Courteau, local author and founder of the Centre d’interprétation des eaux Laurentiennes (CIEL) [website in French only].
Time: Saturday, May 13, 2023, 2:45 to 4:00 pm
Location: Chalet Bellevue, 27 Bellevue Street, Morin-Heights, QC, J0R 1H0
Event: Tea, cookies, and a literary journey, “Voyage sur le Jackson” (reading in French but discussions in English and French).
Cost: Free – courtesy of RJANP
Target audience: Poetry and nature lovers
Program: 3:00 pm – Opening remarks and public reading; 3:30 pm – Discussion with the author; 4:00 pm – Doors close
Courteau, visual artist, writer and museum director, lives in Morin-Heights and is also a diver and a friend of Ruisseau Jackson. What’s more, he is a… waterway storyteller! Inspired by our watershed, he has written a piece that takes us time travelling along Ruisseau Jackson and paints a stirring portrait of the area. The reading promises to be an emotional journey, complete with silt and bullfrogs! Courteau’s poetry will make you fall in love with this fragile environment.

Corina Lupu – Théâtre Morin Heights
RJANP is offering you this delightful reading for free, thanks to Corina Lupu, artistic director of Theatre Morin Heights. Lupu will read the text, which pays tribute to what RJANP president Mathieu Régnier calls “our great little stream”—emphasis on “great.”
On this occasion, RJANP will contribute to the grant given every year by Theatre Morin Heights to a high school student who registers for a CEGEP theatre program.
Those who wish to take a deeper dive into the author’s world will enjoy “Seize îles” (2021) by Editions XYZ, and his most recent work, “Remonter le Nord” (2022) by the same publisher. The books are available at bookstores, including L’Arlequin in St-Sauveur.
Copies of “Voyage sur le Jackson” ($25) will be sold at the event with all proceeds going to RJANP.
The author will be present and answer questions following the reading. He will be signing copies of “Voyage sur le Jackson,” as well as his two latest books. Please note that the books will not be sold at the event, so be sure to bring your copies with you.
See you there!