The Ideal Holiday Present! Order Before 5 December…

Looking for the perfect Holiday present? You wish to support the cause of environmental protection in the watershed? Look no further… Offer a hardcover photo album conceived by our team and become – automatically – a member of one of the two RJANP donor circles.  With your help, in 2019, we can continue our important work:  monitor water quality with ongoing sampling Lire la suite →

Cats: “New” Exotic Invasive Species

In the context of the recent announcement of Ruisseau Jackson’s emblematic bird, we were informed of the following article in the Morin-Heights News Bulletin. Some citizens are concerned for Ruisseau Jackson’s birds!  Dr. Lena Measures, the article’s author, is a wildlife biologist, member of Ruisseau Jackson presented her findings at the RJANP’s General Assembly. With permission, we reproduce her article Lire la suite →

Ruisseau Jackson’s Emblematic Bird Unveiled

This morning, Martin Picard of Développement ornithologique Argenteuil (DOA) unveiled Ruisseau Jackson Protected Natural Area’s (RJANP) emblematic bird following the popular vote held last summer. The winner (with 57% of the votes) was announced at the municipality of Morin-Heights’ Chalet Bellevue and is known as the Northern waterthrush!                Three bird species had been identified as possible Lire la suite →

3 November 2018: Ruisseau Jackson Annual General Meeting

Ruisseau Jackson protected natural area (RJANP) is inviting you to the announcement of its emblematic bird! We picked three bird species as possible emblems of our organization, and one was selected by popular vote. The lucky winner will be announced at Chalet Bellevue on November 3rd by Martin Picard from Développement ornithologique Argenteuil. Come to the free presentation and be Lire la suite →